Once again the field of Ufos is in the top of the news.
From strange contrails in the skies to mysterious blue lights over shopping centers to the more dramatic sightings over Chinese airports that has resulted in emergency landings and their government's alerts.
News From Thailand
I've been in the Ufo field for decades now. I'm not a professional Ufologist meaning I don't make money from this research. I've seen my share of Ufos up close and done untold thousands of hours chatting with witnesses around the world via the web and radio and news services.
Let me first create something important and that is the acronym Ufo stands only for Unidentified Flying Object. Just an object that is flying, not falling, and is unidentified. What we mean by unidentified is just that. Oneself can't identify it, experts in aerial objects and phenomena can't identify it. Now lets be fair and comprehend that sometimes our soldiery won't identify an experiment or classified air or spacecraft of theirs for good reason, so we must take with a grain of salt any explanation from our military.
Some population often make the mistake of believing that any strange object seen in the skies is some sort of alien spacecraft. We as a culture need to go back and study the history of Ufos to see how the field of explore evolved and the mistakes and victories therein.
The ideas that some Ufos are of extraterrestrial origin is referred to as the Extraterrestrial Hypothesis. Believe it or not, it was our own government in the late 1940s that came up with that one. Soon after it was squashed and turmoil ensues thereafter. For over half a century if one mentioned one had seen a Ufo one might find oneself hauled off to the nearest reasoning institution. It's funny how things have changed because nowadays if you don't believe in extraterrestrials one might find oneself left alone in a bizarre form of ostracizing that is oxymoronic (I know that's not a real word) to say the least.
Let's just say that in today's world of Ufos, to this date, not one item of corporal proof has emerged to the collective sector. I didn't say no evidence supporting the Eth hasn't been presented, I said no corporal proof.
Now others will chime in that such and such saw this or that government agent said that and some document emerged straight through the leisure of data Act, but that's only evidence that has yet to contribute corporal proof.
So again, we've got tons of evidence from trace cases, gathered material from the sighting of a Ufo that shows something interacted with the environment, people, flora, and fauna, documents alluding to some sort of coverup of a large scale concerning the Ufo issue and it's witnesses, sworn testimony from some very credible witnesses and whistle blowers.
So we're still not out of the park in many areas of Ufology and we should look at other theories to the origins of some Ufos and to not jump the gun expecting that space aliens are behind every flash of light or speeding object in the heavens.
It makes for a better scientific foundation to this field of research.
I like to keep on top of such Ufo news and chat with many honorable and respected Ufologists on my blog, ufomafia.com/blog. Today's network of dedicated Ufologists have such a wide array of enriching educational data that it's not only adventurous but fun as well. You'll learn a lot about history, the corporal sciences, art, literature and more. It's quite an extraordinary field for sure.
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