
Thursday, April 14, 2011

10 Tips About Living Abroad

Living in a foreign culture isn't always an easy ride and takes time to get used to. I have lived overseas for more than 13 years and lived in 3 different continents, cultures and climates. Let's have a look at how to make the best of your experience:

Tip #1: Immerse yourself

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If you are new to a country, immerse yourself: check out the collective vehicle system, visit museums and galleries, drink coffee and tea at local cafes, join the gym, and talk to local people.

Tip #2: Learn the language

Enroll in a language class teaching the language most habitancy speak. This will allow you to slowly converse with the habitancy at the shops, hair dresser, taxi driver etc. And will give you a good comprehension into the culture.

Tip #3: Stop comparing

If you continuously compare your home country with your country of home you won't do yourself a favor. The fact is they are different, some things are good and some things are more challenging.

Tip #4: Write a journal

Write a personal journal about your caress living abroad. You might also want to stick in newspaper clippings or enthralling things you've found on your field trips

Tip #5: Share your experiences

Entertain those habitancy you left behind with news from the new world. You could write some of the news you've written about in your journal into a blog, upload some pictures and or send regular updates via email or mail.

Tip #6: Make new friends

Depending on the reason you live abroad you might be working or be an expat wife. Both of those scenarios will bring you in caress with new people. Production new friends takes time but the advantage of living abroad is that there are likely to be other habitancy in the same boat as you.

Tip #7: Keep caress with loved ones back home

Another good source of emotional support is a good connection with loved ones back home. In today's society it is very easy to stay connected via all the different collective networks like Facebook, Twitter etc. And the means of cheap of free call facilities like Skype, Viber etc. Use them!

Tip #8: Explore

Living abroad means that there is a whole new surrounding to explore. Treat yourself to holidays in places you've never been, visit the traveler attractions in the region, savour the local cuisine and come to be an explorer close from a new home.

Tip #9: request friends

As mentioned in tip #6 Production new friends takes time. Keeping old friends also requires nurturing those friendships. Offer your home, if you can, to visiting friends from your home country. You will be surprise how many intimate moments can be experienced while you're hosting your friends.

Tip #10: Enjoy!

Make it your daily practice to enjoy the differences. Hunt out things to do you enjoy, like trying new cuisine, visiting new sites and local attractions, meet with habitancy that you get along well with and that you would have never met if you stayed 'at home'.

These are suggestions that I would have found useful when I first moved abroad. Test them out for yourself and add your own.

10 Tips About Living Abroad

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