
Saturday, March 19, 2011

Meet the Rich Kids From My Super Sweet 16 Exiled to Remote Corners of the Globe

Parents who are ultimately fed up with the spoiled, extravagant and brattitude behavior of the most outrageous divas ever, ex stars of 'My Super Sweet 16', have agreed to exile their teenagers to try life for one week with indigenous tribes in remote corners of the earth. The exasperated parents hope their rebellious teenagers will discover a distinct view of the world.

In a roller coaster ride, 'My Super Sweet 16', a virtual reality Tv program, takes you on behind the scenes. You get a look at the drama behind the 'Party to end all Parties'. This involves jealous siblings, stressed parents and school rivals. The teens' methods are sometimes ultimate and often extravagant, as they exertion to ensure the milestone of their 16th birthday, is commemorated with the ultimate celebration.

News From Thailand

The birthday is meant to be the milestone in the middle of childhood to adulthood. Meet the stars of the new season of Mtv, which will air as 'My Super Sweet 16 Exiled.'

Merissa, threw a tantrum when she didn't get a Range Rover for her birthday and ran away from home, could have held her party in the chateau in Paris, but instead she held her celebration in Michigan. The jungles of Thailand will be nothing like Paris or Michigan.

Ava themed her birthday party as an Arabian Night. It was supposed to show her growing from a girl into a woman, but ended up as wholly pointless dress-buying spree in to Paris. Ava will find the jungles of Thailand quite distinct to a shopping spree in Paris.

Bjorn, a self-proclaimed prima donna isn't too bad in the brattitude department. However, his ego, as was evidenced straight through his freak-out over the practice made blazer for his own personal fashion show, could do with being deflated a bit. Maybe Bjorn's ego will take a hiding when he finds himself wearing a turban and eating sand in the deserts of Morocco.

Chelsi could have earned some condolement on the show when the group of morons knocked over her 0 cake, if she hadn't acted so horribly to the tailor making her costume for her old Roman toga party. Not to mention her insistence on referring to her boyfriend as a chubby nerd. Chelsi may wish she had her chubby boyfriend to cuddle up to when she arrives on the freezing tundra of Norway and discovers the role of a reindeer herder.

Amanda assuredly charged her friends to come to help her celebrate her party, then defied her parents' wishes, to wear a trashy French maid costume. She only stopped complaining when her father waved a wad of money in her face. No whole of money will support Amanda when she arrives at the indigenous village in Kenya, where the African heat may get the best of her.

Melany, a royal pain, spent a significant whole of her time making sure her friends would know how "rich" she is and figuring out to best imitate Britney Spears. That imitation won't help her when Melany finds herself in the high altitudes of Peru, seeing at llamas face to face.

Sierra is the daughter of the preeminent hip-hop star Cee-Lo. Life has taught Sierra how to become the Prima Dona of super spoiled brats, which she revealed at her legendary Sweet 15 birthday party. Sierra is still more of a diva than ever before, three years later. Her parents want Sierra to learn that everything won't be handed to her on a silver platter. They have agreed to exile her to the volcanic tropical island nation of Vanuatu, in the South Pacific. They hope Sierra will learn that it's not 'who you know' but 'who you are', that earns respect in the forest of Vanuatu. Sierra will discover what it's like to live the way the villagers have for generations

Having spent a week in a tribal village, my heart goes out to the exiles. Being bowled over by the warm friendliness of the villagers and the simplicity of their life will be only one aspect of the exercise. Vanuatu villages, where time seems to stand still, are places where relationships take precedence over ownership of possessions. village life is simple. Catching a fish, working the village garden, collecting wood, tending the pigs, eating a coconut, or sitting listening to the stories the elders share, is just the beginning. Sierra is in for a mind blowing, life changing sense in the tropical islands of Vanuatu.

Meet the Rich Kids From My Super Sweet 16 Exiled to Remote Corners of the Globe

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