
Friday, March 11, 2011

common Mrsa Symptoms That You Should Know

The term methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus or Mrsa is not a much known medical term among the general population. However, most habitancy are aware of the various symptoms of this bacterial skin infection. Mrsa is difficult to treat because the bacterium is defiant to most coarse antibiotics.

The causal bacterium lives on practically every person and most surfaces around us. The infection starts when the bacterium enters the body through a cut and starts to multiply at an exceedingly fast rate. Small reddish lumps or cellulites are the first sign of infection. Other symptoms comprise the manifestation of boils and pus under the skin. The infected skin can even get severely blistered. This infection can occur in any part of the body, even the glands in your eyelid can get affected. Carbuncles, which look like abscesses but are larger in size, are also coarse occurrence with this infection.

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The good news here is that this staph infection can be prevented. If you have a cut or open skin abrasion, you need to immediately wash it completely with soap and warm water to forestall any entry of staph bacteria. Applying antiseptic ointments can also keep the cuts dry. You should avoid sharing personal items like towels and toothbrushes, as they might be contaminated with staph bacteria. To forestall infections in the feet, always use foot outside inside locker rooms or coarse bathing areas. .

This infection should be taken very seriously as it can cause serious life threatening situations. One should consult a doctor immediately and not delay assuming the symptoms will disappear with a good night's sleep. As mentioned earlier, Mrsa is difficult to treat as the bacteria is defiant to most antibiotics, which calls for immediate medical attention.

common Mrsa Symptoms That You Should Know

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